St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 10 Term 3 2019 Newsletter

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Week 10 Term 3 2019 Newsletter



The first performance of our musical, Night at the Library, has just concluded after months of preparation and building excitement. Thank you to all the staff and the students for the energy that has been brought to today and over recent weeks. Thank you also to the many parents and friends who have helped and supported to ensure it is a great success. It truly is something we can be very proud of.

Thank you especially to Laura Knight for her vision and passion for our musical. She has worked tirelessly to ensure we are all ready for the big day. It is a credit to her creativity and enthusiasm.

House Point Winners

Congratulations to all Houses for reaching their benchmark reward for Term 3! This Friday, 27 September, students are invited to wear free clothes based on the theme chosen by their House Group at the beginning of the term.

Fatima - Sport Jerseys

Lourdes – Pyjamas

Loretto – Favourite Clothes

Madonna – Movie Characters

The overall winning House for Term 3 is Lourdes!

On Friday, to celebrate their win, members of Lourdes will receive a Pizza Lunch at second break.

It is fantastic to see all the students embracing our Seeds of Growth to earn House Points in recognition of their efforts. 

Working Together

Last year we used the opportunity to collect supermarket vouchers, to purchase sporting equipment for St Joseph’s Bombala, as a way to support them. While it took a while, the equipment was presented earlier this year and I have received the following from the school leaders:


Dear Mr Tarrant and students and St Joseph’s O’Connor,

We would like to thank you for your hard work with the Sports for Schools Program. The sports equipment donated to us is greatly appreciated and will be greatly used across our school for many years to come.

Many thanks,

Alex and Tanner

St Joseph’s Bombala School Leaders

Exciting Times

After a very long process, the planned Stage 2 Master Plan building works will begin very shortly. All tenders have been assessed and the successful tenderer is being finalised! Plans and architectual images of the building works are currently displayed in the front foyer of the school. As part of the building program, we have also secured two temporary classrooms that will be located on the lower end of the oval, adjacent to the Hub. These temporary classrooms will take the presure off the school while the building works are undertaken. They will be installed before the end of 2019.

We have also received concept designs from Wellspring Environmental Arts and Design who have been asked to prepare plans for landscaping, incorporating nature play space, at the Boronia Drive end of the oval. At this point, members of the School Board, staff and students have engaged in the consultation process to develop a brief and offer suggestions. The concepts look fantastic and following further consultation, we look forward to sharing these with the community.

It has again been a very busy term and one that is certainly finishing with a ‘bang’. Thank you to all the students for their hard work and wonderful contributions at school this term. I wish all the students, staff and parents a restful break and look forward to welcoming everyone back for Term 4 on Monday 14 October.

Have a great break.

Yours in Christ,

Cameron Tarrant


Religious Life of the School

Last week I shared with you the 4th Phase of the Evangelisation process: Making Disciples. Making Disciples is at the centre of our 2019 focus scripture- The Commissioning of Disciples (Matthew 28: 16-20). Making Disciples involves two parts:

  1. Catechesis (Religious Instruction)
  2. Incorporation in the Church (Community)

At St Joseph’s, the students receive Catechesis and Incorporation in the Church on a daily basis. While preparing for Sacraments, students also receive Catechesis and incorporation into the Church through our Parish-based Sacramental programs. For adults, Catechesis for those who have not received the Sacraments is available through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program. See more information in the Formation section about the RCIA Program available through St Joseph’s Parish.

Where do you see yourself in your faith journey?


Prayer and Worship 

Student Led Christian Prayer

Each Friday, after first break, Year 6 lead classes in prayer with a focus on the Gospel for the coming Sunday.

Liturgical Season: Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Liturgical Season Colour: Green

This week the focus is on the Gospel: Luke 16:19-31

Jesus told this story: “Once there was a rich man who had fine clothes and the best of everything that money could buy. He spent his time enjoying himself and feasting with his rich friends. On the street outside his house lay a poor man called Lazarus, who was thin and hungry and covered in sores. Lazarus would gladly have eaten the man’s scraps, if they had been offered to him.

One day Lazarus died and went to heaven where he was truly happy at last. When the rich man died, he went to hell and saw Lazarus so happy and cried out to him for help.

But God asked the rich man, ‘Did you help when Lazarus cried out for food? Did you care for him when he was ill and nowhere to go? You thought only of yourself and gave up the chance of everlasting happiness with me.’”


At home we invite you to read the upcoming Gospel as a family and discuss our focus questions for the week.

1. Why do you think the rich man did not share his riches with the poor man?

2. What do you think the rich man should have done?

3. What are some other ways we can help those who are less fortunate than ourselves?

Prayer in 2 Magenta


Celebrating Liturgy and Sacraments

Grandparents and Special Friends Day

Invitations to our Grandparents and Special Friends have gone home with each student. We look forward to celebrating with you on Thursday 24 October from 9:00-11:30am. Guests can attend all or some of the events. We hope you are able to be a part of our Christ-Centred Community for this special occasion.

Upcoming Masses

This year we have been working to strengthen our connection with our Parish. One way we have been achieving this is for classes to attend one grade mass per term. Families are very welcome to join us for these masses. The upcoming masses are:

  • Friday 27th September: Foundation and Grade 5 9.15am
  • Sunday 3rd November: St Joseph’s Family Mass led by Year 6 9.00am


Sacrament of Confirmation

Last Saturday evening we gathered for the final formation session for the Sacrament of Confirmation. All are welcome to join us to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday 13 October at 9am. We keep these children in your prayers:

Lachlan B

Chris D

Lucy E

Savidu F

Chloe F

Ewan G

Liam G

Zachary G

Finn K

Dexuan K

Drina K

Serafina M

Thomas M

Zoe P

Oliver P

Zoe P

Kayla R

Victoria R

Ivan S

Max S

Miller W

Social Action & Justice

Catholic Mission

October is Catholic Mission Month. October is also the Month of the Rosary. At St Joseph’s we will hold a "Day of Many Colours" event on Thursday 31st October where children will wear a colour representing the continent their family is from and come together as a whole to school to pray the Rosary.


The Social Justice Leaders are also working on a "Move for Mission" lunchtime Disco on Thursday 31st October. There will be one offered Break 1 for Junior Primary and one offered Break 2 for Upper Primary. It will be a gold coin donation entry and more information will be available early next Term.

Religious Identity and Culture

Ethos and Charism

Our strategic priority to deepen our St Joseph’s identity means to deepen our understanding of our Josephite Charism.  We can learn much about our Josephite Charism through quotes from Saint Mary Mackillop. As we finish Term 3, the quote for this week is:


Evangelisation and Faith Formation

Faith Formation

St Joseph’s Parish will begin its annual Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) journey this October.

If you are curious about God or the Catholic Church, were baptised as a child but did not receive Eucharist or Confirmation, visit the parish one Sunday and speak to Fr Paul.

If you have questions about the RCIA process, please email Alwyn Dantis on or ring 0467 243 363.

Melanie Stratford

Religious Education Coordinator 


Year 2 is preparing a lovely vertical garden reusing old 1.25 litre soda bottles. Purple kale, coriander and other lettuces will be a part of our new garden wall.


Year 2 Magenta has also won the compost bin decorating contest! For their prize, the have officially named our 2 hens Popcorn (featured front with white spots) and Flapper. Congrats Year 2 Magenta!


Coming soon...2 new members of our chicken family. Stay tuned to find out how your class can name the next 2 chicks! 


Spring is natures way of saying, 'Let's party!'"- Robin Williams

Ryan McGee

Sustainability Coordinator 

What an amazing effort from all the children working on the school musical. Managing that nervous feeling before a big event can be easy for some kids….. not so for others. Below are a few recourses for parents that can be helpful for kids who sometimes feel anxious or worried.

Australian Childhood Foundation Resources -

Building parenting confidence - Bringing Up Great Kids

BRAVE Program:

This online program providing parents and caregivers of young children with information and skills to help their child overcome fears and anxiety.

Teens (12 – 17 years) -

Young Child (3 – 7 years)-

Child (8 – 12 years) -


Remembrance Day Service at St Joseph’s will be held at 10.30 Monday November 11 in the courtyard. Please let me know if you would be interested in taking on a role during the ceremony. Morning tea will be served in the staff room following the service. All welcome.

Sally Adams

Defence Support Mentor 

  Tennis Canberra Holiday Camps @ Old Parliament House Tennis Club

 - Camp 1: September 30th, October 1st & 2nd

 - Camp 2: October 9th- 11th

 - Morning, Half & Full Day options available

Sign Up:

Free Trial - Term 3 - Give Tennis A Go!

We invite new players to our sport to a free trial before Term 4.  This is a great opportunity for all students to see if tennis is the sport for them.  Please e-mail to request a free trial and our team will get back to you with the best options.

After-School & Weekend Coaching - Term 4

Run by Tennis Australia professional at a Tennis Canberra Club near you. Our coaches are excited to see many new players hit our courts in the Spring. Learn a sport they can play for life.

Sign up:


Phone: 0416 186 121


Michelle Welch

Canteen Manager 

Congratulations to this week's award recipients. 

Foundation Red

Annabelle Fletcher

Aneesh Tatte

Angus Williamson

3 Silver

Loko F

Jake H

Foundation White

Beau W

Owen H

Teilo K-J

4 Blue

Elise M

Joshua O'K

1 Purple

Ryan McD

Amelia F

4 Orange

Hamish D

Amy D

1 Teal

Aidan M

Theondrupe W

5 Gold

Ava J

Sophia D

2 Magenta

Attharva T

Hamish McR

Camryn L

5 Green

Cameron J

Christelle M

2 Yellow

Vasili P

Faith Y

6 Black

William Pickering

Serafina Magor

3 Lime

Pritika T

Will P


Happy birthday to these students celebrating their birthdays this week, and over the holidays:

Amy H
Atem M
Joshua O'K
Alyssa D
Milli C
Patrick McD
Toby S
Francesca Q
Wylie A
Imogen A
Mason H
Diego L
Skye P