St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 4 Term 2 2024 Newsletter

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Week 4 Term 2 2024 Newsletter
    1.pngGod has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it. Exalted to the right hand of God, he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see and hear. 

    (Acts 2: 32-33)


    Dear parents and carers,

    Sunday was Pentecost, the 50th and final day of the Easter season. It occurs 10 days after the Ascension and marks the beginning of the Christian Church. Over two thousand years on and the message and courage delivered at Pentecost lives on in our faith and our school.

    This week, Kirstie Buckley and I attended the Current of Grace Conference here in Canberra. The two days focused on evangelisation in our schools and the way in which the Holy Spirit, as received by the first disciples at Pentecost, lives within us all.

    Come Holy Spirit

    2.pngCome Holy Spirit

    Come Spirit like rain, refresh, renew, revitalise.
    Come Spirit like fire, embolden, enlighten, enable.
    Come Spirit like a mighty wind, move, challenge, enkindle.
    Come Spirit like wave, move, tear down, lift up.
    Come Spirit, come Breath, draw us close, make song, bring intimacy.
    Come Spirit, come Love, make one, make justice, make peace.
    Come Spirit, come Kingdom, come Love.

    Defence School Mentor

    Welcome to Lisa Bauer who started at St Joseph’s today as the new Defence Support Mentor (DSM). Lisa joins us with a great deal of experience working in schools building community and supporting families. Lisa’s role is to specifically reach out to those at St Joseph’s who are currently serving, their families, or those who have served, and to support them during their time at St Joseph’s. If you would like to get in contact with Lisa, she works every Wednesday and Thursday, or via email –

    School and Family Counsellor

    A reminder that Anna Cater, School and Family Counsellor at St Joseph’s, works two days a week to provide support to students and families. Currently she is leading the Tuning into Kids Program on a Tuesday morning each week, offering guidance and strategies for supporting children with anxiety. Please see below some valuable information provided by Anna, that parents my find useful.  

    Children’s Mental Health – Information taken from Emerging Minds

    When considering children’s mental health, we need to think about a child’s emotional, psychological and social wellbeing.  This includes how children think and feel, behave and interact, form relationships, learn and play.  Children need positive mental health to be able to engage in and enjoy daily life, and to develop appropriately. 

    Most children experience good mental health most of the time, which helps them to manage the ups and downs of life, but sometimes they might be struggling to cope with challenges.  They might need extra nurturing, care and connection with parents/caregivers, to help them to get back to feeling good. 

    When children have good mental health, they feel good about themselves and are content most of the time, but this doesn’t mean they are always/only happy - they still experience and feel a range of emotions including sadness, anger and disappointment.  When children are supported by a trusted parents/caregiver to understand, express and regulate these emotions, they are less likely to develop mental health concerns, as they are more likely to express their feelings and receive validation and support.   

    I would encourage you to access this information on the Emerging Minds website to learn more about children’s mental health, including how relationships with parents and caregivers can help support mental health -

    If you are concerned about your child, please feel free to get in touch with me to discuss further – you can speak with their Teacher regarding a referral for school counselling, or contact me directly (I am available at St Joseph’s on Mondays and Tuesdays) via email –  I am available for parent consultations, as well as individual support students.

    Interschools Snowsports

    Once again we are seeking interest from families wishing for their child/ren to enter the 2024 Interschools Snowsports races this winter, and to represent St Joseph’s. For more information, please see the attached flyer.

    Interschools Flyer


    St Vincent de Paul CEO Sleepout

    After many years of wanting to get involved, this year I have committed to joining the 2024 Vinnies CEO Sleepout on Thursday 20 June. I am joining with CEOs and other Catholic school Principals and colleagues to raise awareness of homelessness in Canberra and to raise much needed funds. I have pledged a fundraising target of $4000 to support those in need... but quietly hope to go well beyond this with the help of the St Joseph’s community.

    This Friday there is a casual clothes day to raise some funds to go towards this worthy cause. Thank you!


    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant 

    Read Less

    This week is Laudato Si’ Week.

    Pope Francis wrote this encyclical (a public letter to the world) titled Laudato Si’ in 2015. Laudato Si’ means ‘praise be to you’. In this letter, Pope Francis calls on us, to care for our common home, the earth. We are all encouraged to work for positive change to leave our earth in a better place. He asks us to take the time to disengage from devices and spend time with our families in nature. I encourage you all to stop, look and listen within the environment around you throughout the coming weeks.

    Why not:

    • Take your family outside on a frosty morning and enjoy the frost on the lawn, breathe in the refreshing air or plan ahead and place a bucket of water out and see what happens.
    • Walk through the fallen leaves and admire the wonderful colours on the trees around you.
    • Stop and listen to all the birds, their cheerful calls spread joy to all.
    • Take time to collect the litter.
    • Spend time just sitting, listening and watching the birds and animals surrounding a pond, lake or wetland.

    It is in these times that the Holy Spirit breathes gently through us. The Holy Spirit is always ready to listen and guide us even when we just sit in contemplation.

    Common Prayer for Earth and for Humanity

    Loving God,

    Creator of Heaven, Earth, and all therein contained.

    Open our minds and touch our hearts,

    so that we can be part of Creation, your gift.


    Be present to those in need in these difficult times, especially the poorest and most vulnerable.

    Help us to show creative solidarity as we confront the consequences of the global pandemic.

    Make us courageous in embracing the changes required to seek the common good.

    Now more than ever, may we all feel interconnected and interdependent.


    Enable us to succeed in listening and responding to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor.

    May their current sufferings become the birth-pangs of a more fraternal and sustainable world.

    We pray through Christ our Lord, under the loving gaze of Mary Help of Christians.



    I would love to see or hear about the times you, as a family, take to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit in our wonderful Canberra weather.

    Kirstie Buckley

    Religious Education Coordinator

    Read Less

    Sustainability in Action

    Walk to School on Friday


    Did you know an international scorecard ranked Australia second-worst for transport energy efficiency? When we know better, we can do better! Please join us on Friday at 8:15am. This week we will meet at the O’Connor shops in front of Flatheads. 


    “An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” - Henry David Thoreau


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator


    Hello parents and families,

    Have you found the specially marked Eco Cube stick yet? Bring to the Snack Shack to claim your prize! 
    Have you ordered your Nachos, get in quick so you don’t miss out! 


      Uniform Shop News

      Congratulations to the Week 4 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Agatha T

      Tye P

      Foundation White

      Ethan O

      Alexandra R

      1 Purple

      Florence J

      Max B

      1 Teal

      Senu P

      Zaria R

      2 Magenta

      Aidan O'B

      Elsie C

      Lachlan T

      2 Yellow

      Finn McG

      Madeleine C

      Ryder McD

      3 Black

      Lueth M

      Nicholas G

      Humphrey G

      3 Navy

      Jack L

      Mia M

      4 Gold

      Evelyne C

      Amelia S

      Rinisha G

      4 Green

      Azrielle T

      Charlie G

      Hugo T

      5 Blue

      Sophia T

      Phoebe G

      5 Orange

      Jeremy P

      Karma L

      6 Lime

      Maddison D

      Connor J

      6 Silver

      Lara S

      Yaanih N



      Olivia T

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Finn M
      Thomas S
      Shenuka D
      Ayla A
      Isabella Marie P
      Giovanni B-A
      Christopher A
      Phoebe G
      Eli T
      Lily B
      Vairaj B

      ParentLine w8t1.JPG
      Art Kids w10t1.jpg
      Girl Guides w2t1.PNG