St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 4 Term 3 2023 Newsletter

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Week 4 Term 3 2023 Newsletter

    Dear parents and carers,

    Mary Mackillop Prayer

    Ever generous God,
    You inspired Saint Mary MacKillop
    To live her life faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and constant in
    bringing hope and encouragement
    to those who were disheartened, lonely or needy.
    With confidence in your generous providence and through the
    intercession of Saint Mary MacKillop
    We ask that you grant our request
    We ask that our faith and hope be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit so
    that we too, like Mary MacKillop, may live with courage, trust and
    Ever generous God hear our prayer.
    We ask this through Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Feast of Mary Mackillop

    Yesterday we joined together for our first whole school Mass with Father Thonn to celebrate the Feast of St Mary Mackillop. St Mary Mackillop, also known as Saint Mary of the Cross, was an Australian nun who dedicated her life to education and the betterment of society. In 1866, Mary co-founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart with Father Julian Tenison Woods. This religious congregation focused on offering quality education to children, particularly in rural and remote areas of Australia. It is after the Sisters of St Joseph that our school is named. May we all find inspiration in the life of St Mary Mackillop and strive to make a positive difference in our own lives and the lives of others.

    School Registration 

    Today we welcomed 7 members of staff from Catholic Education who began our Registration Standards and School Improvement Review. This review process is undertaken by schools every 5 years with a focus on compliance and school improvement. A written submission was presented by the school leadership team last week and today the panel members met with staff, students, and parents. The panel will join us again tomorrow as they write the Registration Report which will contain an executive summary and future-focused recommendations. In the coming weeks, a summary will be drafted to share with the school community. 

    School Fees

    Following the changes to our finance systems, please click School_Fees_and_Billing_System_Changes_Term_3_2023_SJO.pdf to see details regarding fee payments. Term 3 Fee Statements are due to be sent out via the Compass Parent Portal from Monday 14 August.

    School Arrival

    This term we are having a focus on arriving to school on time. We are currently seeing a number of students who do not arrive in time for the beginning of the school day at 8:50 am. It is important that students have a settled start to the school day to set them up for success and that begins by attending morning gatherings to hear whole school announcements and to walk into school with their teacher and classmembers to begin learning. You might think a little bit late to school won't matter but ...


    St Joseph's Trivia Night

    Test your knowledge on all things music and monarchs, with awesome prizes up for grabs. BYO food and beverages, and dress in your best Rockstars or Royalty get-up, for a fun night out!
    Single entry: $20 each 
    Table of 10: $180
    Tickets available now on Qkr!
    Have a wonderful end to the week!

    Yours in Christ,

    Amy Doszpot 

    Read Less
    Religious Life of St Joseph’s
    Prayer and Worship

    St Mary Mackillop Feast Day

    On Tuesday we gathered as a community for the first time with Father Thonn for our St Mary Mackillop Feast Day mass. The mass was a vibrant gathering, where our students led the readings and sang our hymns wholeheartedly. It was a wonderful start building our relationship with our parish. Next Tuesday we again gather as a community and join in the parish mass at 9.15am for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Families are always welcome to join us.

    Class Masses 

    Week 5 Tuesday Time 9.15am Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

    Week 6 Tuesday 9.15 am 1 Purple and 5 Blue

                  Thursday 9.15 am 3 Navy and ELC Geckos

    Week 7 Tuesday 9.15 am 1 Teal and 5 Orange

                  Thursday 9.15 am 3 Black and ELC Frogs

    Social Action and Justice

    We have had an amazing response to our Dignity drive, and are half way to our goal of 50 Dignity packs to donate to St Vincent de Paul.  We have run low on toiletry bags, if you would still like to contribute we would love more toiletry bags please.


    Our Term 3 Social Action focus is always linked to our Josephite Charism, to ‘See a need and do something about it.”



    Yours in Christ,

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator


    Read Less

    Sustainability in Action



    We are grateful to the Meyers family for their generous paper-shredder donation! Our canteen waste (paper bags that hold hot-lunch orders) are now being shredded and turned into garden compost and bedding for our school chickens. If you would like some shredded paper for your pets or garden, please email me and we can send some home with your child. We have plenty to spare!


    Well done to these CHANGE-MAKERS and their dedication to cleaning their community after a bucket-drumming performance at Light Up Lyneham. Way to represent our wonderfully musical and sustainable community!

    We must teach more by example than by word.” - Mary MacKillop


    Ryan McGee

    Sustainability Coordinator

    Book Club Image.PNG

    The Book Club Catalogue for this term is closing this Friday, 11 August. Please make sure your order is in before this time. If you forget to place an order, don't worry! Book Fair will be happening in the library for the next two weeks.


    Book Fair

    For the next two weeks (Week 5 and 6) students will have the opportunity to buy books from our School Book Fair. During library time students will choose a selection of their favourite books that they will add to a wish list.

    The students will then bring home their wish list and you as the parent will receive instructions about how to pay for these books online, if you choose to. Once you have a copy of your receipt number your child can bring the wish list back into the book fair, and pick up their new book. In the case that your book is sold out, I will put in an out of stock order at the end of the book fair. 

    There will also be posters, pencils and erasers for sale. Children may purchase these at second break on Thursday and Friday each week.

    It is CASH ONLY sales. Children are to bring no more than $10. 

    Please email me if you have any questions.


    Georgina Jaram

      Uniform Shop News
      Uniform Shop w2t1 image 1.png

      P&F Trivia Night


      Rockstars & Royalty, will be sure to test punters’ knowledge on all things music and monarchs, with awesome prizes up for grabs. BYO food and beverages, and dress in your best Rockstars or Royalty get-up, for a fun night out!

      Saturday 26 August, 7PM @ St Joseph's School Hall

      Single entry: $20 each 

      Table of 10: $180

      Tickets available now on Qkr!

      Congratulations to the Week 4 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Emmanuel O

      Tashi W

      Foundation White

      Annabelle S

      Margot S

      1 Purple

      Fleur E

      Madeleine C

      1 Teal

      Gianna L

      Aliir A

      2 Magenta

      Levi N

      Ewan S

      Poppy Z

      2 Yellow

      Harrison W

      Abi S

      Kyan S

      3 Black

      Isaac K

      Kyle A

      3 Navy

      Azrielle T

      Daniel W

      4 Gold

      Arlie B

      Leilani T

      Annabelle F

      4 Green

      Levi I

      Sebastian S

      5 Blue

      Maddison D

      Emily G

      Emanuel S

      5 Orange

      Sophia R

      Patrick M

      Marvin R

      6 Lime

      Faith Y

      Pema C

      6 Silver

      Janek W

      Fahad A


      Lucy M

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Marvin R
      Bhavin S
      Annabelle S
      Matilda G
      Christopher B
      Aurora B-B
      Louis D
      Lucy M
      Delphi U
      Sofia W
      Sophia A
      James J
      Emilia R

