St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 7 Term 4 2022 Newsletter

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Week 7 Term 4 2022 Newsletter
    Dear Parents, Carers and the St Joseph’s Community,

    P&F Meeting and AGM - Tonight

    School Board 2023

    In preparation for next year, I am pleased to confirm that our current School Board will remain in place for the 2023 school year, meaning that we are not calling for nominations. However, we take this opportunity to thank Nicole Mahar for her contributions in 2022 as P&F Rep on the School Board, and for her efforts over recent years on the P&F and as Uniform Shop Coordinator. A new P&F Rep will be appointed to join the School Board in 2023.

    The School Board for 2023 is:

    Fr Paul Nulley

    Molly Henson

    Amy Doszpot

    Cameron Tarrant

    Rebecca Jackson

    Si Kayser

    James Strachan

    Simon Loftus

    Alicia Porter

    Jane Childs

    Tiffany Fletcher

    Parent/Teacher Interviews 

    Our Semester 2 reporting cycle will include a Parent/Teacher interview in Week 9, prior to reports being sent home in Week 10 on Wednesday 14 December.

    Interviews are now able to be booked via the Compass Parent Portal. Bookings will close on Friday 2 December.

    Please note that two different modes of interviews will be offered:

    Monday 5 December - Interviews will be via Teams

    Wednesday 7 December - Interviews will be face to face

    James Parkes Award

    Today I was thrilled to contact the parents of our James Parkes Award nominees for 2022. The James Parkes Award recognises a student who displays exceptional school spirit, a positive attitude, initiative, determination, and kindness and care for others. 

    All nominees will be formally acknowledged, and the winner announced at the end of year Graduation and Thanksgiving Mass. 

    Our nominees for 2022 are:

    Foundation: Emmy McG

    Year 1: Mia M

    Year 2: Amelia S

    Year 3: Owen H

    Year 4: Ricky B

    Year 5: Ashley F

    Year 6: Hamish E


    Canteen News

    Thursday is Fairy Bread Day... so as a treat the Caneteen will be selling fairy bread for $0.50 or 3 for $1 over the counter. 

    Have a wonderful end to the week.
    Yours in Christ,
    Amy Doszpot
    Assistant Principal
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    Religious Life of the School

    Advent is approaching at lightning speed. It is easy to get caught up with the busyness of Christmas preparations. Have you thought about how you will prepare your heart for the birth of Jesus? At St Joseph’s Primary school we are focussing on one daily act of kindness. This week we have been:

    • Saying hello to everyone you walk past.
    • Giving a meaningful compliment to someone.
    • Making a small gift for a friend or relative.
    • Thinking about something that you no longer play with, use or wear. Could it be donated to a local charity or hospital?
    • Sitting next to someone who is on their own at break or lunchtime.
    • Helping somebody with a task at home such as setting the table, doing the washing up or tidying your bedroom.
    • Writing a kind letter to someone. Maybe an elderly relative who you haven’t seen recently, or a family member or friend.

    We have also been preparing for the birth of Jesus by sharing the stories of Jesus’ family tree through the Jesse Tree. This week we have heard the stories of:

    • Creation
    • Adam and Eve
    • Noah’s Ark
    • The Promised Land
    • God’s Promise to Abraham

    Social Action and Justice

    It’s that time of year again. Time to share all the wonderful Christmas cheer at St Joseph’s with those who are less fortunate than us. To help those in need this Friday we will launch the St Vincent de Paul 2022 Christmas Appeal. More information will come home on Friday but we are again creating Christmas Hampers. We will also have our giving tree for families to take a gift tag to buy and wrap a gift for a person in our community. The giving tree will be set up in the school foyer this coming Friday. Please see below for some examples of donations.

    Prayer and Worship

    Pope Francis entrusts his Worldwide Prayer Network each month with prayer intentions that express his great concern for humanity and for the mission of the Church. His monthly prayer intention is a worldwide call to transform our prayer into specific actions; it is a compass for a mission of compassion for the world.

    November Prayer Intention- For children who suffer

    We pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are homeless, orphans, and victims of war; may they be guaranteed access to education and the opportunity to experience family affection.

    Lord Jesus Christ, you asked

    that we let the children come to you.

    Send your Spirit, O Lord, of comfort and relief

    for the many children who are victims

    of marginalisation, abandonment, and violence in the world.

    Give us a generous heart to offer to them

    concrete paths of hope

    through education that opens

    possibilities of freedom and decision.

    Inspire in us a desire to welcome them

    into the restorative love of a family

    with a warm embrace and caring love which

    gives them back their dignity

    of being children of the one Loving Father.


    Celebrating Liturgy 

    We are so happy to be able to hold our Advent prayer celebrations with students together in the hall. These prayer celebrations are a vital part of our St Joseph’s tradition. Parents of classes leading the prayer celebration are warmly invited to attend these prayer celebrations.

    Term 4 Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Week 7:    Thursday 24 November - Advent Prayer Celebration (2:15pm)

    Week 8:    Grade Mass: Tuesday 9.15am Year 6

                     Thursday 1 December - Advent Prayer Celebration (2:15pm)

    Week 9:    Thursday 8 December - Advent Prayer Celebration (2:15pm)

                     Thursday 8 December - Christmas Nativity (6:00pm)

                     Friday 9 December - Thanksgiving & Year 6 Graduation Mass

    Week 10:  Thursday 15 December - Advent Prayer Celebration led by
                     4 Green (2.15pm)

    Evangelisation and Faith Formation

    Faith Formation

    St Joseph’s Parish has begun its annual Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) journey this October.

    If you are curious about God or the Catholic Church, were baptised as a child but did not receive Eucharist or Confirmation, visit the parish one Sunday and speak to Fr Paul.

    If you have questions about the RCIA process, please email Father Paul at


    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator 

    Sustainability in Action

    Seeking animal-lover to take home our beautiful chickens for Summer holidays! A chicken cage can be delivered to your house for chicken safe-keeping. If interested in being rostered on, please email me ASAP.

    Last Friday, these fabulous Joey’s won the 2021 Young Canberra Citizen of the Year award for Environment and Sustainability. Their efforts in connecting with local cafes to improve sustainability standards was a success and can pave the way for future Joeys to receive top recognition for their efforts! Not pictured and also receiving a commendation for the Young Achiever category, we are happy to congratulate Josie Sill!

    Have you had a slow start to your Summer gardening? Please help yourself to our tomato varieties that will be placed outside the school. These were kindly donated by Merici and we would love them to find a loving home.


    “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

    Robert Swan, Author

    Ryan McGee


    BOOK CLUB DUE 2ND DEC (Week 8 Friday)

    End of Year in the Library.

    We are starting to collect all overdue books now in the hope we will have a 100% return rate. Next week will be the last week of borrowing for all students.  Please return your books promptly to the library in the coming weeks.If you are still having trouble locating books. Please email me at

      Uniform Shop News


      Congratulations to the Week 5 award recipients. 

      Foundation Red

      Eloise P

      Amelia B

      Foundation White

      Xavier P-E

      Blake B

      1 Purple

      Cooper D

      Nate M

      1 Teal

      Ryder W

      Sahana B

      2 Magenta

      Sebastian P

      Xander W

      2 Yellow

      Enoch A

      Sam N

      3 Black

      Leo W

      Ellie-Mei L

      3 Navy

      Aria K

      Kendryck M

      Patrick McD

      4 Gold

      Luke D

      Kathy A

      4 Green

      James W

      Alice P

      Oliver L

      5 Blue

      Christopher B

      Tejas G

      5 Orange

      Louis P

      Janek W

      6 Lime

      Anthony S

      Bridget M

      6 Silver

      Ben L

      Lottie W-B

      Lucy P


      Droduel T

      Samphel N

      Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


      Levi N
      Olivia D
      Ivy E
      Ryan L
      Tyler B
      Amaani S