St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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Week 7 Term 2 2022 Newsletter

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Week 7 Term 2 2022 Newsletter
    Dear parents and carers and the St Joseph’s community,

    Winter in all of Our Lives

    There is a winter in all of our lives, a chill and darkness that makes us yearn
    for days that have gone or put our hope in days yet to be.
    Father God, you created seasons for a purpose.
    Spring is full of expectation buds breaking, frosts abating and an awakening
    of creation before the first days of summer.
    Now the sun gives warmth and comfort to our lives
    reviving aching joints bringing colour, new life and crops to fruiting.
    Autumn gives nature space to lean back, relax and enjoy the fruits of its labour
    mellow colours in sky and landscape as the earth prepares to rest.
    Then winter, cold and bare as nature takes stock rests, unwinds, sleeps until the time is right.
    An endless cycle and yet a perfect model.
    We need a winter in our lives, a time of rest, a time to stand still,
    a time to reacquaint ourselves with the faith in which we live.
    It is only then that we can draw strength from the one in whom we are rooted,
    take time to grow and rise through the darkness into the warm glow of your springtime
    to blossom and flourish bring colour and vitality into this world your garden.
    Thank you Father for the seasons of our lives.

    – Author Unknown

    Parent / Teacher Interviews

    Bookings for Semester 1 Parent / Teacher Interviews are now open on the Compass Parent Portal. Interviews will take place in Week 9 (20 June – 24 June) via Microsoft Teams. These interviews form part of our formal reporting process. They are a professional, purposeful conversation to provide you with information on how your child learns and the effort they apply to their learning, how your child has improved their learning, as well as, identifying areas for growth. Bookings will close at 3pm on Friday 17 June.

    Please note, if booking your interview using the Compass App, on your home screen select the ‘More’ option (3 bars) on the bottom right corner of your screen and then select ‘Conferences’. If using a desktop, the option to book interviews will appear on the top right of your screen.

    Semester 1 Reports will be available proceeding the interview process and can be accessed via Compass on Wednesday 29 June (Week 10).

    Pupil Free Day

    A reminder that next Tuesday, 14 June is a Pupil Free Day. This is the second of two Pupil Free days granted by Catholic Education to all Catholic Systemic schools to cover Covid staffing shortages that resulted in many teachers not having their allocated two-hours of release from face-to-face teaching. Camp Australia will be running a care program on Tuesday for parents who may require supervision for their child/ren (bookings are essential).

    Morning Drop Off

    The best way for students to start the school day is to be at school in time for Morning Gathering at 8.50am. That way they can see their friends and set themselves for the day.

    If you are dropping your child to school after 8.50am, you must come into the school and sign them in, please. Our attendance system relies on accurate recording of arrival time, and by signing your child in at the Compass Kiosk in the Front Office, it automatically marks them present at school that day. 

    Your assistance with this is appreciated. 

    Medical Details

    In recent months, we have become aware of a lack of clear medical information for a number of students due to not being informed of regular medication, medical conditions or changes to existing medical plans.

    Even if your child takes medication outside of school hours, or has a medical condition that may not present at school, it is important that this information is also provided. Likewise, when asthma or allergy plans are updated, the school needs to be given a copy.

    This week, all parents are asked to provide any necessary medical information or updates to the school to ensure we are in the best position to respond to student needs, or in an emergency.

    Social and Emotional Learning 

    My current school wide focus is on COMPASSION. Compassion involves feeling emotions such as kindness, empathy, respect and sympathy. With the younger students, my emphasis has been on the connections between words, actions and feelings and the lasting effects that these can have on another person. The students have been reminded that “Before you speak, think and be smart, it’s hard to fix a wrinkled heart”

    Compassion is also one of the main tools for achieving happiness especially for the self. Self-compassion is defined as the practice of engaging with an inner voice of support, understanding, and care for oneself and treating yourself like you would a good friend. I have been working with the older students to help them turn around negative self-talk to show themselves more self-compassion.

    Respect for School Property

    On Monday we had an unfortunate situation where both boys' bathrooms were found with soap smeared on floors and mirrors, paper towel discarded all over the floor as well as numerous items of sports equipment left strewn. As you can appreciate, providing our students with a clean, safe and accessible school environment is of utmost importance. As such, teachers showed all students photos of the mess in the hope that the student/s involved would come forward or be identified. Unfortunately, this was not the case, so all boys spent part of their second break in the hall discussing the need to respect school property. We are very hopeful that this was an isolated incident and moving forward our school environment will be looked after in the respectful manner that we are accustom to.

    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Amy Doszpot

    Assistant Principal

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    Religious Life of St Joseph’s

    Religious Identity and Culture

    Ethos and Charism

    I recently attended the Josephite Colloquium in Sydney. During the 3 day conference, I was immersed in Josephite Charism and had the privilege of journeying with others who are also in a Josephite ministry across Australia. This experience has reignited my passion to live St Joseph’s vision and mission and make our Josephite charism embedded in all that we do, think and say. Throughout the conference I was both affirmed and challenged.


    I was affirmed that our school values strongly reflect our Josephite charism. Saint Mary Mackillop was a fierce advocate for demonstrating respect for the dignity of every person and there are many stories of this advocacy even in challenge of those in authority. Mary’s humility and compassion are also reflected in the stories of the lives that she and her Josephite sisters impacted and continue to impact today. Saint Mary Mackillop and her sisters faced extraordinary challenges during her ministry. She experienced much challenge and resistance to doing God’s work, even from those in authority in the Catholic church. What courage must she have needed to go as a woman in the 1800’s to petition the Pope after she was excommunicated? Mary’s most well-known quote is undoubtedly, “Never see a need without doing something about it.” Our St Joseph’s value of being generous to people in need is seen lived in the generosity our community displays of charity work like the Vinnies Winter Appeal.

    Evangelisation and Faith Formation

    The Sacraments are signs of God’s grace and love. Celebrating the Sacraments deepens our personal understanding and faith. In our community we have children who are preparing for their First Holy Communion. Next Friday 17 June all students in Year 4 will participate in a special retreat as a part of this formation program. Please keep these children in your prayers.

    Henry Maddison Emily
    Sophia Luke Connor
    Caetano Julian Ishana
    Kathy Bridie Dylan
    Mary Luerice Patrick
    Alexander Marvin Edward
    James Sophia James
    Alice Anna Leah
    Astrid Lara Holly
    Aaron Emanuel
    Evie Scarlett
    Bonnie Isaac

    Prayer and Worship

    Prayer and worship is integral to the life of all Catholic schools and has the potential to nourish the spiritual growth of all members of the school community.

    Prayer Celebrations and Class Masses

    Class Masses

    Week 7 - Thursday 9:15am - Year 4

    Week 8 -  Thursday 9:15am - Year 4

    Week 9 - Thursday 9:15am - Year 4

    Sacrament Dates 2022

    As we are a growing community we are asking families to help us be as prepared as possible by enrolling in all Sacraments for 2022 now. Please use the following link to enrol in all Sacraments for 2022.

    Confirmation for students in Year 6

    Parent and Child Formation Sessions TBC

    Sacrament Retreat: Wednesday 14 September - school hours

    Sacrament Mass: Wednesday 14 September - Time TBC


    Social Action and Justice

    At St Joseph’s, we work to build the dispositions of empathy and solidarity in our students through programs for service- learning, social justice and outreach experiences.

    This term our social action and justice is centred on the Vinnies Winter Appeal. You can contribute by donating clean:

    • Gloves
    • Socks
    • Jackets
    • Beanies
    • Blankets
    • Sleeping Bags 

    These donations go directly to people in need in our community. Send your donations in with your child to be placed in the baskets located in the Courtyard or drop larger items to the front office.

    Wellbeing Team

    This Friday our Year 6 Wellbeing team are running a lunch time activity called “What’s in your backpack?” This activity aims to raise awareness of those impacted by homelessness and support our students to make connections between the needs of people impacted by homelessness and the Vinnies Winter Appeal.

    Junior Joeys Social Action Group

    Our current focus is the Catholic Social teaching of Preferential Option for the Poor. Our focus question is: Who needs extra help in our community?

    Melanie Stratford

    Religious Education Coordinator

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    Regional and ACT Cross Country

    Congratulations to those students who competed in the North Gungahlin Regional Cross Country last Friday 3 June in challenging and cold conditions. They demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and were great representatives of St Joseph’s. 

    Congratulations to Oliver L, Verity L, Olivia O, Leilani T and Felix P who placed in the top 5 and qualified for the ACT Championships on Wednesday 15 June. We wish them all the best as they compete at Stromlo representing North/Gungahlin.

    Koby Allan 



    All our library lessons are now in the Hub and students are allowed to borrow books to take home. Each student should be bringing in a designated library bag to class to be able to borrow. Below is an outline of our borrowing schedule.




    Maximum borrowing amount




    Year 1



    Year 2 Magenta

    Year 2 Yellow





    Year 3



    Year 4 Gold

    Year 4 Green





    Year 5 Orange

    Year 5 Blue





    Year 6




    Georgina Jaram 

    How to be a good friend

    We all want our children to be able to connect with each other and form healthy friendships. But what happens when those friendships start to have problems? It can be hard for children to understand why their friends aren’t talking to them or playing the same games they used to, sometimes it is a matter of time and space and sometimes it can be the start of other friendship or peer issues.

    For some children, particularly those who are starting to experience problems or those who have questions about their friendships, it can be helpful for parents to be able to have a conversation about what a good friend is and how children can be good friends to one another. These can provide a basis of understanding for children, to help them to problem solve any potential issues within a friendship. Here are some suggestions for friendship rules to help start conversations between parents and children:

    • Friends are kind to each other.
    • Friends don’t talk about others behind their backs.
    • Friends let their friends be friends with other people.
    • When friends are upset with someone, they ask for space until they’re ready to talk calmly.
    • If friends think someone is mad at them, they ASK what’s going on.
    • Friends use “I” messages to talk about a problem.
    • Friends listen to what other people have to say without arguing or interrupting.
    • Friends take responsibility for their own behaviour.

    If your child is talking about friendship issues that don’t seem to be going away, or you are worried about issues such as bullying, contact your child’s teachers, the school Principal or the school counsellor at

    If you’d like to talk about any concerns about your child, you can contact me via email or phone 0488 468 056.

    Kind regards

    Kerry Marshall

    Student and Family Counsellor

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    St Joseph's Fete

    It is on! Save the date!

    Sunday 6 November

    The next committee meeting is on Thursday 16 June at 7.30pm at Howling Moon.


    Hello Parents and Carers,


    New volunteers are always welcome, please don’t hesitate to email me on or pop in and say hi.


    Katie Jenkin

    Canteen Manager

    Congratulations to the Week 7 award recipients. 

    Foundation Red

    Aliir A

    Amarieah D

    Foundation White

    Nathan D

    Charlie P

    1 Purple

    Austin F

    Ella S

    1 Teal

    Kyan S

    Harrison W

    2 Magenta

    Droduel T

    Sebastian P

    2 Yellow

    Indie M

    Amelia S

    3 Black

    Leo W

    Mae T

    3 Navy

    Patrick McD

    Toby S

    Tresa S

    4 Gold

    Luerice G

    Marcos D C

    4 Green

    Aidan M

    Astrid P

    5 Blue

    Georgina G

    Tejas G

    5 Orange

    Pema C

    Dechen P

    Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week:


    Oliver D
    Josie M
    Molly M
    Makur W
    Wadha A