St Joseph’s Primary School - O'Connor
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O'Connor ACT 2602

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Week 10 Term 4 2021 Newsletter

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Week 10 Term 4 2021 Newsletter


    Congratulations to all of our wonderful cast, performers, teachers and most importantly, artistic director Tiffany Fletcher. With one performance to go tonight, St Joseph's presentation of The Wizard of Oz has been a brilliant way to celebrate as a school community. 

    Thank you to everyone involved, and to the parents, grandparents and friends who have joined us in person and via the live-streams. I know that you have all enjoyed the show!


    Even as we head into the final week of 2021, staffing for the new school year continues to evolve. Yesterday I announced to staff that after 7 years at St Joseph's, Zoe Cawdron is taking on a new challenge, accepting a teaching position at St Vincent's from the start of 2022. Zoe has continued to grow as a teacher during her time at St Joseph's and will be missed. We also farewell Shakira Beale, who this year has given the students a real love of learning during her Italian lessons. Shakira also has a passion for teaching art, and has secured a position as an Art teacher at Radford. We wish all  those staff leaving at the end of 2021, every success.

    At the same time, we welcome Joanne Reed to St Joseph's. Jo is currently at St John Vianney's, Warramanga and brings with her a great deal of experience. 

    Below is the Staffing List for 2022. We currently have a couple of positions to fill, which will occur over the coming weeks. Students will find out their class teacher for 2022 next Wednesday, before spending the afternoon with their new class mates and teacher on Thursday.


    Have a great end to the week.

    Yours in Christ,

    Cameron Tarrant

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     Year 6 Graduation Mass

    Date of Mass:                          Thursday 9 December

    Time:                                      12:00pm

    Restrictions have been slightly eased. Four guests per Year 6 student are now permitted. Please note COVID safe protocols are still in place. Please allow time on arrival to check-in via the CBR QR code. Social distancing is also required, so we request one family per pew.

    Please note COVID safe protocols are still in place.  Please allow time on arrival to check-in via the CBR QR code.  Social distancing is required.

    Advent Prayer Celebrations

    Advent is the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at


    Christmas. Advent is celebrated over 4 weeks, each week holding a significant focus. Each of these focuses represent the virtues that Jesus brought us; hope, love, joy and peace.

    This year, our Advent Prayer Celebrations will take place outside under the trees (alternatively in the hall if there is wet weather). These prayers will be an opportunity for us to acknowledge one of the most important times in our Catholic lives.

    Advent Prayer Details:

    Week 10 - Friday 10 December                     Joy - lead by 5 Orange

    Week 11 - Thursday 16 December                Peace - lead by 4 Green

    Parents are invited to attend the prayer celebration their child is involved in. Please be mindful that COVID protocols will be in place. Even outside, social distancing is still required.



    For further information or any questions regarding Religious Education and events, please feel free to contact me via email:





    There are still over 500 books still outstanding, please take a look around your home. Don’t forget to look in all those unseen places books like to hide!

    Please email me directly if you can’t find them at

    Hello parents and carers,

    It has been a pleasure to run the school canteen this year, thank you to the lovely volunteers, I really appreciate your help. If anyone has a spare hour or two on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday please don’t hesitate to email me on or contact me on 0417046062.  It is always lovely to see new faces in the canteen.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.



    Katie Jenkin

    Canteen Manager

    Congratulations to the Week 10 award recipients. 

    Foundation Red

    Kathrine McG

    Kyan S

    Foundation White

    Charlotte D S

    Manuela S

    1 Purple

    1 Teal

    2 Magenta

    Annabelle F

    Ian C

    2 Yellow

    Phoebe G

    Aria K

    3 Black

    Atticus B

    Ishana M

    3 Navy

    Holly H

    Edward V F

    4 Gold

    4 Green

    Lily P

    Tom H

    5 Blue

    Sienna S

    Maggie M

    5 Orange

    6 Lime

    Alli P

    Olivia F

    6 Silver


    Happy birthday to these students who celebrated their birthday this week.


    Holly H
    Tom D
    Wallace B
    Lily P

    See the St Joseph's Entertainment Guide link here